Pauline Darley added two editorials to her page
Click here to see her page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
Click here to see her page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
Click here to see his page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
Click here to see his page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
L’artista ideatrice di tali bellezze è Yeonju Sung, le opere fotografiche della collezione “Wearable Food “di Yeonju Sung regalano suggestioni che richiamano il mondo dell’alta moda, la
Click here to see her page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
Click here to see his page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
Click here to see her page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
Click here to see her page SwapforStyle is our reference to find new talents: a website dedicated to photographers and stylist who want to promote their
Maria, La donna robot del film Metropoli. Leila Organa, la principessa della saga Star Wars. Lee Loo, eroina del film “Quinto elemento”. Aeon Flux, misterioso personaggio interpretato da Charlize Theron. Rachael presenza femminile della pellicola “Blade Runner”
Silvyo Giardina è uno stilista italiano nato a Parigi. L’ultima collezione autiunno inverno 2011 2012 è una dichiarazione del suo stile. Androginia, tagli netti e un aplomb sofisticato caratterizzano il suo leitmotiv.
Passerella o street-style per questo inverno non ci resta che lasciarci condurre in un mondo di fascino, prosperosità e curvy style. Bussano alla nostra porta i mitici anni ’50, all’epoca rappresentati dalle dive filiformi e “abbondanti”, ed oggi reiterpretati con look da pin-up e divertenti capi escusivamente vintage. I mercatini si affollano ed i siti specializzati dilagano..quale sarà la prossima mossa?
“Credo che le persone abbiamo bisogno di cose reali, che rispecchino la società in cui viviamo oggi e che abbiano valore nel tempo!”. Determinata la
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